Ryedale Cycle Forum are currently working with Ryedale Environment Group, with a Steering Group in place who are working towards their aspiration of having a whole route complete between these two market towns. The Steering Group would welcome help from people interested, and contact details from people wanting to get involved are in the update link found below.
The route will be manged in small sections due to funding challenges and all the preparation required prior to any new or updated route being agreed. A sketch map showing possible route options is to be shared with all local Parish Councils. This will help to gather local support and to get an agreed route where local people have had the chance to have an input. Ryedale Environment Group and the Steering Group will then be working towards having a costed scheme with surveyor drawings. The next stage would be to source funding prior to installing the route.
Please read the latest update here 6th November 2023 Helmsley – Malton
The development along the Broughton Road and Pasture Lane in Malton, has resulted in a realigned Broughton Road and different access to Old and New Malton. Connections need to be considered to take cyclists safely into Malton and joining the Malton-Pickering route. The cycle route out to Hovingham is a challenging project which has been considered by NYCC Highways in the past but never implemented.