Here is some news about taking cycles on trains locally. Please note we have only just received notice of the consultation, due to volunteer sickness, but it closes mid-February.
1. Northern Trains have begun driver training between York and Scarborough, for their additional local service which will slot between Transpennine Express services. Likely start of public services May 2020. Should be 2 unreservable bike spaces per train.
2. At a recent meeting of the Cycle Rail forum for the North
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Transpennine Express were canvassing views on how to make best use of electronic cycle reservations on the new Nova trains to and from Scarborough.
Transpennine Express are seeking feedback from users on the best way to utilise the facility on new trains to indicate above cycle spaces whether they are pre-booked for whole or part of the journey. Pre-booking some time ahead obviously offers advantages to cycle-users planning a trip who need to be certain to have a reserved space. The options identified by TPE are:
Option 1: 4 cycle spaces reservable up to 15 minutes before TRAVEL with no reservation information displayed on the train;
Option 2: 2 cycle spaces reservable up to 15 minutes BEFORE TRAIN DEPARTS FROM ORIGIN with reservation information displayed on train and a further 2 cycle spaces reservable before travel with no reservation information displayed on the train; or
Option 3: 4 cycle spaces reservable up to 15 minutes before train departure from origin with reservation information displayed on the train in full.
Please respond directly to Charlie French at TPE, Charlie is at:
Please reply by mid February.
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